

真珠や珊瑚、ターコイズといった色鮮やかな天然素材と、薔薇と骸骨のハードなモチーフが織りなすアンバランスな美しさ。ハードとエレガンスが共存するジュエリーは、どんなスタイルにも表情豊かな存在感をもたらします。 Colors from nature; pearls, coral, turquoise...
Hard motifs; roses and skulls
blended together to create un-balanced beauty
Jewelries with strength and elegance
that enhance any style of your choice


河合 佑紅
  • 1983年 天然変形真珠の美しさに魅せられ、ネックレスリフォームを開始。
  • 1997年 薔薇・骸骨・変形真珠をモチーフとしたブランド“DRAGON ROSE”を立ち上げ。
  • 2003年 株式会社 佑紅 を設立。
  • 全て独学のうち、デザイン. 創作. イメージフォト撮影. 商品撮影のみならず、映画やドラマ、TVCMなどのジュエリースタイリングを自らこなす現在のスタイルに。お客様ひとりひとりの個性に合わせたオートクチュールジュエリーの提案をおこなっている。
  • 取り扱い店舗:  H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX 丸の内店・表参道店・名古屋店・大阪店・福岡店
    ホームページ: www.dragonrose.jp
    お問い合せ先: mail@dragonrose.jp
Yuko Kawai
  • 1983Charmed by beauty of natural pearls and started reforming necklaces
  • 1997Established the brand “DRAGON ROSE” with rose, skull,
    and uniquely shaped natural pearl motifs
  • 2003Established “Yuko Corporation”
  • Self-learned to design, create, and take photos of the works
    Jewelry styling for films, TV dramas and commercials
    Selects haute couture jewelries for individual clients
  • Shops : H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX Marunouchi, Omotesando, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka
    URL www.dragonrose.jp
    e-mail mail@dragonrose.jp
  • The brand name, “DRAGON ROSE” came from DRAGON meaning unique and amazing, ROSE, initials from 2 daughters; Romi and Sami.
Yuko Kawai


Glamor of Contrasts

It was about ten years ago that I first encountered DRAGON ROSE designs by Yuko.
I was working as a store manager at H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX Marunouchi. One day, I noticed an attractive woman enter the store. The woman was wearing a pair of rose-shaped turquoise earrings with swaying pearl fringes. A big cross DRAGON ROSE pendant hung on her chest. Rock-style blended superbly with elegance. I instantly fell in love with Yuko and DRAGON ROSE.

DRAGON ROSE has taught me many things. The beauty of a pearl does not exist only in color and luster. Each one of the pearl that Yuko uses possesses a one-of-a-kind beauty. There are certain pearls that we are destined to meet, as there are certain people in this world we are destined to meet. Here, you can find such pearls.

Like a heart, like a moon, like a cloud, like a bird... your precious motif is here. The pearls will make your skin look beautiful. The contrast with crosses and skulls are not to be missed. The beauty and strength that we find in Yuko, we also find in her works.

During the six years since I became director of H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX, I have been searching for the true meaning of the word “value.” The carats of diamonds and gold, the weight of pearls, yes. But no, not just that. Excellent creation and one-of-a-kind character is what we are looking for. DRAGON ROSE has them all.

DRAGON ROSE jewelry enhances your character.
It breathes beauty that exists within you.

Yuko Kuniyoshi, Director, H.P.FRANCE BIJOUX

Glamor of Contrasts